'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

Category: Crossroads School

Redressing the Balance

Busy times at Crossroads!

Wednesday 5th July 2023 saw Crossroads Secondary School hosting a team of visitors who offered a counselling service to the students on mental and moral health.

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Praise and Recognition for Teachers

The Headteacher of Crossroads Secondary School, Robert Oluka, has recently written to us, telling us about his wonderful staff:

“The teachers are doing a commendable job to add value to the students’ performance no matter the grades they attained in primary.

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Internet Router Installed!

The news from Crossroads Secondary School in Soroti is that the school has installed a new internet router for AITEL WI-FI.

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Lent Challenge 2023

Well done to everyone who completed the “Give Up Something Nice for Beans and Rice” Lent Challenge! You have been helping to provide school meals for pupils at Crossroads Secondary School in Soroti, where approximately £5 pays for a student’s school meals for a whole month.

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Uganda trip 2023

Thoughts by our trustee, Anne…

From a TEARFUND Lent Devotional…
When there is a growing gap between rich and poor, there is a growing gap between humanity and divine will.

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“Give Up Something Nice For Beans and Rice”

WHEN? 22nd February – 6th April 

HOW MUCH? It’s free to sign up. Donate through Stewardship, by cheque or bank transfer.

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Back to School

Please pray for students and staff as they return to Crossroads Secondary School in Soroti for a new academic year. There will be many challenges ahead but there is much appreciation for the extra support given from our supporters and friends in the UK, in response to recent appeals for staff salaries and school meals.

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Christmas Day Collection

WOW! The Christmas Day 2022 Service collection at Queens Road Baptist Church in Broadstairs raised £700 and this has kindly been donated to Global Challenge to go towards the school meals at Crossroads Secondary School in Soroti,  Uganda.

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End of Term Gift Cards

We are inviting you to purchase a gift card.

The end of each school term is a time to celebrate our wonderful teachers in the UK.

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Crossroads School Examinations

Senior 4 students at Crossroads School in Soroti, Uganda have started their exams. The first exam is Mathematics, and we wish them every success!

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