Crossroads Secondary School Update
There are 323 pupils on role at the school at present. The teachers are busy meeting the deadlines of UNEB (Uganda National Examination Board) school-based assessments on: CAs (Continuous Assessments), AOIs (Activities of Integrations) and Project Work.
The Crossroads students in classes S.1, S.2 and S.3 have had field studies for Geography and Entrepreneurship. The studies were carried out at Teso Fruit Factory who produce Teju Fruit Juice Concentrate.
The upcoming events at crossroads include:
1. External field studies for Geography, Agriculture and Entrepreneurship.
2. Prayer day for the candidates’ (Farewell)
3. Handover farewells for the clubs like scripture union among others.
4. The teachers are preparing the Mock exams that are scheduled to begin next week.
There are, however, major challenges at the school which we ask your prayers for:
1) A majority of the students have not been able to pay school fees. Many of the students take care of their own school fees, others have parents and guardians who’ve found it hard to continue their children’s education. Some students go to tears once they are asked about school fees.
2) The prolonged drought has destroyed crops that would be harvested in July. This means that there’s going to be scarcity of food, hence high food costs.
We are extremely proud and thankful to the teachers and staff at Crossroads who continually strive to do the best and provide for their pupils. Thank you once again for all your support whether it’s by regular giving or attending one of our fundraising events or including us in your prayer time.