'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

Information Event

Redressing the Balance

Information Event

On Sunday 10 November we will be hearing all about the latest Global Challenge trustee visit to Uganda. 

From 1pm you can enjoy an African meal of Rice, beans or chicken. From 1:30pm there will be a presentation involving photos and videos from October’s trustee visit to meet the staff and pupils at Crossroads Secondary School, Soroti. Also, a chance to find out more about the special needs project children and families seen. 

There is no charge for this event. 

We would welcome a donation towards any food or drink you enjoy. 

Finally, there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the charity, fundraising and volunteering opportunities. 

“Volunteering opportunities?” we hear you say. “Yes!” Could you support us at fundraising events and sharing our publicity? Could you work with trustees on securing grants? Could you become one of a new team to take our school plans forward in Soroti? Have you experience in targeting media outlets, such at News, TV and radio? Then, Global Challenge Needs You!

We look forward to sharing our trip and events with you. 

Take a sneak peak on our News Page to wet your appetite!