'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.


Redressing the Balance

New Projector for Crossroads

At the end of 2023, we had a generous donation where the donor specifically requested that the money should go to Crossroads School. £555 was sent to Uganda and the school bought a new projector. The school’s Headteacher expressed his gratitude in an email: “The addition of the second projector was such a blessing for …

“Oh Yes It WAS!”

Our light-hearted potted history talk all about pantomime, “Oh Yes It Is!” by the amazing Linda McCann, was a roaring success! We were let into secrets of panto land and past government laws restricting such events. We were shown an array of amazing costumes, how they were made, their approximate costs and accompanying stories of …

Raising Funds and Awareness

The December Wellbeing Pamper Day raised another £80 towards teacher’s salaries at Crossroads School in Uganda. All the Christmas cards were sold and the card competition even inspired the youth church group at Queens Road Baptist Church to help raise vital funds by donating some of their proceeds from a refreshment sale they held after …

Thanks for coming!

Our brilliant Christmas Craft Fair, attended by 15 local stall holders, raised over £600! The raffle was a great success and so was the surprise visit from Santa. The Silent Auction raised over £100, with a lucky couple being able to spend a luxury night with a “hearty breakfast” at The Dog at Wingham. Our …

Christmas Craft Fair

This coming Saturday, 25th November 2023, is the Global Challenge Christmas Craft Fair. We have 20 stalls signed up, a fantastic raffle and we are even hoping to have a visit from Father Christmas! Our extremely generous friends at The Dog in Wingham, have donated a night for two in a King Size room followed …

Oh Yes It Is!

Come along to a light-hearted potted history of pantomime told by the amazing Linda McCann. Find out how pantomime evolved into a very British institution.  Love them or hate them, a Christmas panto can evoke a variety of memories for even the most discerning of theatre goers. There will be a selection of panto costumes …

Christmas Card Winners

The Christmas card competition winners were announced at our Information Evening in November…all six of them! The winners, Brian, Bell, Lisa, Hannah, Noah and Eliana (whose artistic name is Arco) received a copy of their card and an advent calendar. Packs of six cards, depicting each one of their winning designs, are on sale now …

Food and Chat at the Information Evening

We held a fantastic information evening in November. The event kicked off with the Ugandan treats of chicken on a stick and chapatis, washed down with ginger beer. (Plant based treats were available, too). Angela and Anne gave updates of their recent visit to Uganda. Ella gave us an insight into the That’s Pants project, …

Save the Date

Friday 8th December 2023 at 7.30pm is the date and time to save! Tickets on sale shortly…there might even be an appearance of Widow Twanky?!!!

Information Evening

We are excited to invite you to our next GC Information Evening! Come along and hear about our trustee visits in March and August 2023. Refreshments will be available for a donation and there will be an opportunity to find out about all our projects. We hope to reveal the winner(s) of our Christmas Card …