'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

Category: All Projects

Redressing the Balance

Laptop Donation for Crossroads

Trustee Tracey had a day out to Maidstone to collect a laptop! Computers4Charity have kindly donated another laptop for Global Challenge to take out to Uganda on our next visit!

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Indoor Market of Local Crafts and Delights

On Saturday, 7th December 2024, 11am – 4pm, is the Global Challenge Christmas Craft Fair. We have 20 stalls signed up, with a variety of handmade goods plus crafts made by a local special needs school.

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Information Event

On Sunday 10 November we will be hearing all about the latest Global Challenge trustee visit to Uganda. 

From 1pm you can enjoy an African meal of Rice, beans or chicken.

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Recipe for Success!

One of our supporters, John Simmonds, has suggested a brilliant fundraising idea…creating a recipe book! We, at Global Challenge HQ, think this is a tremendous idea and are asking for recipe donations.

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Hair-Styling NOT Hair-raising!

The August haircare event held at Jill K’s Hair Studio in Ramsgate raised over £200 which will go towards helping to pay the salary of one of the teachers at Crossroads Secondary School in Soroti, Uganda.

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Grow your…SUNFLOWER!

Something has grown very special indeed out of the “Grow Your £1.00” Challenge from last Easter 2024. Two young lads from Queens Road Baptist Church youth groups bought a packet of sunflower seeds with their £1 and went on to plant and grow some beautiful sunflower plants.

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Dressed to Impress the Audience

Linda McCann treats us to another of her fascinating talks…this time recommended for the broad minded!

Linda will entertain us with recollections of shows gone by, costume disasters and triumphs, and working with “the stars” as their personal dresser.

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Would you like to have a stall at our 2024 Christmas Craft Fair at Queens Road Baptist Church,  Broadstairs, on Saturday 7th December, running from 10am to 4pm?

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Crossroads Secondary School Update

There are 323 pupils on role at the school at present. The teachers are busy meeting the deadlines of UNEB (Uganda National Examination Board) school-based assessments on: CAs (Continuous Assessments), AOIs (Activities of Integrations) and Project Work.

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Bibles Purchased

Remember the Global Challenge Bible Appeal where we were encouraged to “Give a Bible for Easter” to provide 200 bibles for the pupils at Crossroads Secondary School in Soroti?

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