Barn Dance Buffoonery!
High jinks and merrymaking ensued when the youth group, “Junior Deeper,” at Queens Road Baptist Church in Broadstairs decided to hold a Family Barn Dance. The brainchild of group member Hannah, the youth group set about not only planning the dance but also arranging food and gift stalls.
On the afternoon of the barn dance, posters were made and displayed, and tickets produced and sold on the door. Tickets were priced at a very affordable £2.50, great for encouraging families to come along together! Tickets were even “stamped” before members of the public entered the auditorium, where the barn dance was to take place.
Prior to the event, enquiries were made to Patrick, a local musician and friend to a couple of the Global Challenge trustees, as to his availability and willingness to take on the responsibility of “Caller” for the event. Patrick kindly agreed and, with clear instructions and a commanding but friendly presence, Patrick was able to encourage reluctant dancers – and the not so reluctant dancers(!) – onto the floor. He explained the moves for each dance, giving everyone a chance to practice slowly before he launched into his rumbunctious accordion playing! The afternoon was shared by families, couples and individuals all up for having some fun and making a bit of a fool of themselves in a warm and friendly environment!
Food was served halfway through the event, with a choice of veggie or meat hot dogs with optional fried onions and cheese – as well as a vat of homemade chilli as another optional extra!
During the event, there was the chance for people to look around the various stalls set up by the youth group. There was a cake stall, sweet stall, plant stall, lemonade stall, photo booth and a handmade gift stall.
Over £300 was raised and, due to the nature of swapping partners as is traditional in a barn dance, some new friendships made!!!
Enjoy our photo gallery…
A HUGE thank you to Hannah and the Junior Deeper Youth Group!