Crossroads School Examinations
Senior 4 students at Crossroads School in Soroti, Uganda have started their exams. The first exam is Mathematics, and we wish them every success!
Here is some information about the exams:
“The national examinations for this years’ candidates will commence on October 14, according to the timetable released by the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB).
The calendar starts with briefing of senior four candidates who will be writing their Uganda Certificate of Education-UCE which will run up to November 18…UNEB Executive Director Dan Odongo noted that with the timetables out, teachers should ensure that the necessary teaching and learning, as well as psych-social support is offered to candidates in the remaining time, for effective preparation.” Accessed at on 17 October 2022 9.58am.
(UNEB Executive Director Dan Odongo said:) “During the briefing sessions, candidates must be made aware of the instructions contained in the timetable and the rules and regulations on examination conduct” …Odongo emphasises that headteachers must explain clearly to the candidates the consequences of not adhering to the rules and regulations and cheating in the examination. UNEB has found cases of irregularities and malpractice by candidates often arise from receiving inadequate, or no briefing at all.” Accessed at on 17 October 2022 10.20am
“Odongo also noted that unlike in previous years, the board has this time provided for the visually impaired students by providing brail and large print timetables. Odongo says this is done to ensure that this group of learners also get a chance to individually read the timetables…Comparing this to last year’s exam, it shows a percentage increase of 7.7 per cent in the overall number of candidates. Out of the registered candidates, 56 per cent representing 751,336 learners are funded by the Government, while 44 per cent of candidates are privately sponsored.” Accessed at on 17 October 2022 9.58am.
Exam Timetable