'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

Gifts for Barbra!

Redressing the Balance

Gifts for Barbra!

Barbra, a bright and articulate young lady who is wheelchair bound, was delighted to receive a new chair. Barbra, who has recently been baptised in a swimming pool at a hotel local to her, was the first ever special needs child to receive a wheelchair from Global Challenge’s Special Needs project! She has never been to school as this would be too overwhelming and traumatic for her but is hoping to receive help from a tutor in her home or at New Life Baptist Church to learn a new skill/craft.

The photograph shows Barbra receiving gifts from the project of a mat, mattress, mosquito net, jumper, reusable sanitary pads and detergent powder.

Hellen, who we supported by purchasing a sewing machine and funding her tailoring course, has been commissioned to make Barbra three new dresses!

Watch Barbra as she thanks the project and God for her lovely gifts of a mat, mattress, mosquito net, jumper, reusable sanitary pads and detergent powder.