'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

Holy Trinity funds School lunches

Redressing the Balance

Holy Trinity funds School lunches

The 400 teenage children at Crossroads have good appetites!  On the menu every day is Poshoe and Beans, and its the same in every school in Uganda.   Why?   Because Poshoe and Beans is a filling and nourishing meal, and well fed children do better at school. Also, for many, there is little else to eat until lunchtime the next day.DSC01952

Poshoe is maize flour mixed with very hot water to a firm consistency. The Beans provide the ‘sauce’
– they are mixed with tomatoes and onions, Salt and pepper are added for flavouring.

Ramsgate Holy Trinity C.E.Primary School are supporting Crossroads by funding their school lunches, and have just raised an amazing £520, enough money to provide lunch for 3 months.

What a brilliant achievement- fund raising activities included a special ‘Film night’ and also a joint initiative with their catering company!