St George’s calls time on ‘Smelly loos’
St George’s calls time on Crossroads smelly loos
The girls at Crossroads have made do with temporary pit latrines for 8 years.
4 new brick built VIP pit latrines are now being built alongside the girl’s washing facilities which were provided a year earlier.
VIP in Uganda means Ventilation Improved Pit latrines, not Very important Person, though of course everyone’s important!
St George’s students raised £443.80 on the last day of the Christmas term at their ‘dress down’ day, and then on New years Day……………… star pupil Darci Graves braved the icy waters of Viking Bay in Broadstairs for a quick swim with her Mum.
She raised another £146 for Crossroads latrines. What an amazing lady. Was she cold we asked? Yes- I shivered for the rest of the day came the reply.
Thank you Darci for being so brave.
The smart new Pit Latrines were completed In March 2016.