'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.


Redressing the Balance

August 2024 Update

Trustee Angela reports on the upcoming trip to Uganda. Following the update, Angela was asked by a couple of people if we are taking out anything. We are not taking anything out, apart from prearranged knitted blankets and some old spectacles, but the offer of money to use towards the costs for the training would be appreciated. Billy has said that there will be certain necessities- such as pens and books, refreshments etc for the Inclusion Training in schools – so we will buy resources out there in Uganda.

June 2024 Update

Find out about the work of the Junior Deeper and Youth Deeper Groups and how much they have currently raised during their “Grow your Pound” Challenge.

May 2024 Update

Katy gives us an in-depth report of all the exciting things that are happening with Global Challenge now…both in Uganda and the UK. Topics covered include the students in Uganda and their baking and sewing skills; counselling and life-skills sessions; creating a world vision in our young people; and the variety of fund-raising events coming up.

April 2024 Update

Anne, our treasurer and longstanding trustee, gives us an update on the
purchasing of bibles. She tells us about how busy Crossroads Secondary School has
been recently, especially dealing with trauma counselling, and shares a video
message from Lillian, the Director of Studies at the school.

Fundraising Update

Trustee Stephen reports on the fantastic efforts that our young people
are doing to further the work of Global Challenge.

January 2024 Update

Katy reports on why Crossroads Secondary School is particularly attractive right now and how we can support them.

Christmas Bonus 2023

We are grateful to the donors who have given £270 to be shared equally with all the staff at Crossroads Secondary School and our Uganda Coordinators as a Christmas bonus.

11th November 2023

Chris and Sue Elliott celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary at QRBC, thanking God for the past 50 years together and asking for his continued blessing.

Over 100 guests, representing family and friends, were invited for a three course “Murder Mystery” dinner party! Sue and Chris requested no presents but asked all those who wished to, to donate to Global Challenge to help fund teachers’ salaries. So far, well over £1000 has been raised. We are grateful to Sue and Chris for their continual support, and to their guests for their generosity.

November 2023 Update

Trustee Katy wets our appetite about her trip to Soroti in August 2023 – encouraging everyone to attend the Global Challenge Information Evening on Monday 13th November at 7pm. To be held at Queens Road Baptist Church in Broadstairs, Kent.

September 2023 Update

More news on how you can help support the teachers at Crossroads Secondary School.

August 2023 Update

Catch up on this month’s report on how Crossroads School are delighted to receive their ten laptops and projector plus news of trustee Katy’s upcoming visit to the project with her family.

June 2023 Update

Anne, Global Challenge’s treasurer and a trustee, speaks passionately and eloquently about our continued need for funding. She also addresses the recent deadly attack on a school in South West Uganda.

May 2023 Update

Trustees Angela and Tracey discuss the Lent Challenge, wheelchairs and an exciting new fundraising appeal to support our teachers at Crossroads secondary school.

Uganda Visit Update

Anne and Angela give brief accounts of their time in Soroti this March 2023.

12 March 2023 “Being joyful and Contagious”

Dr Rev Stephen Cave, having returned home from Uganda only yesterday, brings greetings and thanks from our friends and partners in Soroti.

5 March 2023

Gill Corker from Queens Road Baptist Church gives a brief update about the trustee’s trip to Uganda. The “some social media thing” she is referring to is our Facebook page:


26 February 2023

Dr Rev Stephen Cave reminds us of the up coming trip to Uganda.

February 2023

Exciting news about our next visit to Uganda features in this month’s news update from Anne.

Christmas 2022 Newsletter. Click on the image below to open our newsletter.

December 2022

Our new trustee Katy tells us about a recent zoom call with our partners in Uganda and encourages us with her passion!


Find out about how you can purchase gift cards to help the staff at Crossroads School.


Find out about the amazing students from Crossroads school are who are moving on and aiming high in this month’s update delivered by our Trustee and Treasurer, Anne.

SEPTEMBER 2022 (Second Update)

More important news of how the money raised by our brilliant supporters is benefitting our community partners in Soroti and its districts.

SEPTEMBER 2022 (First Update)

Trustee Angela shares important news of how we can support our fellow students at crossroads School in Soroti.


Lynn Myhill, long time supporter and friend of Global Challenge Charity and editor of “The Vine” Magazine (Queens Road Baptist Church Newsletter), gives a compelling update this month.

JULY 2022

Rev Stephen Cave talks about Nakatunya Church and shares the video of their anniversary celebrations.

JUNE 2022

Trustee Angela shares delightful news about a young girl called Sarah who is being supported by Global Challenge to attend a special school for the blind.

MAY 2022

We hear news from Trustee Anne of Deborah, a History teacher at Crossroads School, who has had an accident whilst travelling on a motorbike taxi in her district.

APRIL 2022

Another update by Trustee Tim, celebrating the impact we have locally on people’s lives in Uganda. Specifically, a little district called Soroti.

Click on image to open our latest Newsletter

MARCH 2022

Trustee Tim tells us about the latest news from Global Challenge HQ. You can read the up to date news below, too.

The enrolment at Crossroads School has increased to 235 so far. Parents and guardians are still a little nervous about another possible lockdown or an outbreak of Covid at the school but numbers continue to increase gradually. Global Challenge is having to give extra support to get the school up and running again after two long closures.
Pupils we support, Peter and Paul, have started their S5 courses at Soroti Secondary School. They are studying Physics, Chemistry and Maths. They would like to study Pharmacology at University. Another pupil we support, Joshua, who originally wanted to do mechanics, has changed his mind. He also has started S5 at SSS. He thinks he stands
a better chance of training to become an art teacher.
A copier/ scanner is now being sourced and will help reduce the expense of administration at Crossroads. Requirements for the now compulsory subject of IT are being looked into. The school is also having to work out how to provide teachers for the other two new compulsory subjects, Kiswahili and PT.
Five students have returned to Ngora School for the Deaf. More are waiting to return but the families are experiencing some ‘challenges’ according to Billy, our Special Needs Coordinator. Global Challenge is looking into providing for another student who would benefit from studying at St Francis School for the Blind in Soroti.
Thanks to all sponsors and donors for your part in helping us to improve educational provision in this area of Uganda.
Your prayers for Robert, the Headteacher, would be appreciated. He is in a lot of pain with a cyst on his jaw which needs to be removed by surgery. This can’t be done in Soroti.
In a recent phone call, Abraham made us aware of further struggles for people in Uganda as 2 months ago fuel prices rose by 20%. This obviously has a knock on effect on the price of all goods transported around the country. People are protesting in the street but as yet there has been no explanation or any response from the Government.
On a final and very upsetting note, we were extremely sad to hear of the passing of Mutasa, an S3 student at Crossroads. He had been sick and was admitted to hospital in Mbale where he died. As well as his family, the students and staff are all feeling his loss.


Trustee Anne delivers some exciting news about school life in Uganda during this month’s update.

24 DECEMBER 2021

From a Ugandan friend received on Christmas Eve 2021….
‘For me, I’m doing fine, so is my whole family. Covid related partial lockdown in Uganda has meant schools have been closed for 2 years (I understand we have the world record for this). This has been straining on many levels for all sorts of families. I know for my nieces and nephews it has not been pleasant at all. Online schooling remains a thing for the privileged. But now there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel with the government having declared schools to be opened on 10 January 2022, covid cases or not, vaccinated population or not. They’ve put the onus on the population. This news has been received with welcome relief and anticipation for a positive looking near future. But of course we wait to see what if any repercussions there will be with this decision. ‘


Trustee Timothy Shingles shares the latest exciting news. Click on the image below to enjoy Tim’s messages.

To make a donation, please go to stewardship.org.uk

Scroll down to “find charity” section and type in Global Challenge. Click on the link and follow the instructions! Thank you!


Anne Cave, Trustee, delivers the latest news from our partners in Uganda. Click on the image below.


Click on the image below to hear our latest update from trustee, Chris, and his children Ethan and Rachel.

JULY 2021

Here is our trustee Angela with our latest update.

A message from our partners at Queens Road Baptist Church 4 July 2021:

We have a close partnership with the community in Soroti through our charity Global Challenge. As well as the work in Crossroads School and the work with those with additional needs we also partner with three churches in Soroti. Uganda is currently in a severe lockdown, meaning people are unable to travel to get basic supplies and are cut off from their businesses and farmlands. The spread and effect of the virus is also causing great hardship and suffering in their community at this time. There is a real need for basic provisions and so we are appealing for funds to enable the distribution of food and basics through the three Soroti Churches.
If you are able to donate any money at this time to us, this will be sent out urgently to Global Challenge in Soroti where it will all be used to help provide basic provisions to those most in need.
You can drop your donations into the church during the week or make a donation online –
Soroti Appeal –
Queens Road Baptist Church
Account No: 39329686
Sort Code: 09-07-22

Pastor Abraham sent us this message:
“Good morning everyone.
All please be in prayer for us. Death has struck again. Elizabeth, my wife’s niece passed on this morning in Tororo. Her mother, Joyce is also in critical health condition and on health support. This is another very difficult time for us.”

Our trustee, Chris replied, “Sorry to read this. Will be praying.” Members of Queens Road Baptist Church have expressed their interest in supporting our Coordinators and their families in Uganda at this time.

The following information are current media stories sourced from the internet:

Ugandan students now have to do lessons at home. (Photo courtesy of www.dw.com)

Uganda is among several African countries seeing a dramatic rise in the number of COVID-19 infections amid vaccine shortages. (Photo courtesy of www.dw.com)


(Photo courtesy of www.bbc.com)


Click on the image to open our latest newsletter:

COVID 19 UPDATE 21 June 2021

Our Trustee Anne asked Irene, Pastor Abraham’s wife, how we could pray specifically at this difficult time. This is her response…..

There is fear as people continue dying and we are on lock down for 42 days, so:

1. Pray that God will send rain in time because the rains are scarce.

2. Pray for God’s provision as many live on hand to mouth yet they can’t move out to go and work like mopping shops etc since most of them have locked.

3. For God to prevail and His Peace to abound.

Thank you.

We love you“❤️


We have just received this message from our co ordinator in Soroti informing us that Uganda has gone into lockdown:

“Hello dear ones, praying that you’re all well.

Here is a summary  of our president’s address to the nation on Covid this evening from 8:20 pm-9:41pm (Sunday 6th/June/2021)

1# . All Schools and Insitutions to be closed from Tommorow Monday 7th/06/2021 for six weeks.

2#. All Teachers to be Vaccinated before reopening of schools.

3#. Communial  Prayers suspended/ Churches and Mosques closed.

4#. Public/ Cultural gatherings suspended.

5#. Travelers from India not allowed to Uganda. 

6#. Marriage ceremonies should have only 20 people under strict SOP’S

7# . Burials /Vigil only 20 people.

8# . Markets and Auctions suspended

9#. Cattle Markets closed.

10#. All Public Transport will be closed from 10th /June/2021  this is just to allow the students to travel home.

11#. Inter District travels will be suspended from 10th /June/2021

12#. Private vehicles /Cars allowed to only carry two people plus the Driver 3

13#. Bars , Cinemas Closed, among others.

We are praying for the Lord’s guidance, healing and Divine Protection,


Our thoughts and prayers are with our partners and friends xxx

JUNE 2021

Watch Anne, one of our trustees, keeping us up to date.

MAY 2021

Trustee Timothy Shingles delivers the May Update during a service at Queens Road Baptist Church

APRIL 2021

Trustee Angela Harding delivers the April Update during a service at Queens Road Baptist Church.

MARCH 2021

Mark’s mum Jane

Please continue to pray for Jane, Mark’s mum and his brother Ronnie. Mark passed away on Friday 26th February. Jane was a devoted mum to Mark and at the same time, teaching at a government school. Their home is on school premises and Jane used to run home to see to Mark in between lessons. When Mark was well enough, she would bring him outside in his chair and Mark loved to watch the students playing. In recent years Mark’s health declined and many people here in Thanet were involved in his support by providing for transport to hospital appointments, medical needs, special dietary requirements and more recently, hiring daily support as Jane was no longer able to leave him for any length of time. Mark was greatly loved and will be greatly missed.

Crossroads School

S4 students have begun their national exams this week. The photo that follows this report shows the students being addressed by the chief exams’ invigilator, so they are looking very serious!

The exams should have taken place last November but were postponed. We are extremely grateful to all concerned, teaching staff, coordinator, invigilators and Global Challenge supporters, for getting the 50 students to this point in their education. We are also thankful that registration was acquired so that they can sit the exams at Crossroads and not have to travel to other schools at this challenging time.

Global Challenge was able to authorise the spending of £500, as an urgent request was made for material resources for practical exams in fine art and sciences.

Please keep praying for these candidates as exams continue through this month.

Pray also for their future as they come to the end of their education at Crossroads. Hopefully, some students will be able to continue their education at other establishments. Others will be looking for work. Pray that they will all know the presence of the Lord leading, guiding and protecting them.

Pray too for the development of the vision for a new school where students will be able to continue beyond S4 to S5 and S6! We thank God that the land has been bought and ask for his guidance for the next stage.

S3 students returned to Crossroads this week, as set out in a Government mandate. The staff have concerns that the social distancing will be compromised due to lack of space.

Other standard operating procedures will be adhered to: the community will have limited access to school, there will be daily taking of students, staff and visitors body temperatures and the wearing of masks will be required.

There is a counselling strategy to students on various aspects of remaining Covid safe, especially during the period outside school and their return to school.

Pray as S3, and later, other classes, return, that the protection won’t be compromised and the measures in place will be acceptable to maintain their Covid compliant certificate, as well as ensure safety for students and staff!

The Ugandan Education board have finally released the requirement of textbooks to cover the new syllabus and so Global Challenge will be prioritising this. We pray this will be an encouragement to the teaching staff amidst all the challenges.


Trustees were encouraged to read, in the latest report from Billy, that a young boy named Kizito, who has cerebral palsy, is doing well. It was gratifying to hear that the objectives of Global Challenge were being achieved in this case as Billy says:

His goats and cow are multiplied and able to sustain his medical bills and upkeep. His wheelchair is as well still in good condition.”

A great achievement for an active young lad like Kizito!!!

Jane and Mark /Exam candidates /Billy and Kizito


At Crossroads School, the candidates’ class (S4) re-opened on 15th Oct 2020 after the school fulfilled the set conditions by the Directorate of Education and Ministry of Health. These are students who should have been sitting their national exams last November. These have been postponed until March 1st and will continue through to April.

Out of fifty-one students registered for National Exams (Male 34 and Female 17), twelve students, did not manage to raise the exams registration fee so GC agreed to pay for them.

In response to an urgent need, and to fulfil social distancing requirements, two teachers were hired to help in the fields of Biology/Chemistry and History/Geography. GC have agreed to pay their salaries until April.

In his report, the head teacher says: – The students have continued to be disciplined and being ambassadors of protecting each other from the spread of COVID 19.

In one of his first speeches since re-election, President Museveni announced that ‘semi candidates’ should return to school on March 1st. These are students who should be sitting national exams in November 2021. For Crossroads, this means S3. There will be a staggered start for the remainder of learners from April 6th. Accommodating these students safely, will present a real challenge to Crossroads, both in terms of space and staffing.

However, as the Head points out, the candidate class alone cannot sustain the financial requirements of the school. The Administrative costs to UNEB office, costs of management and Administration of National exams, costs of chemicals and reagents, specimens and costs of support staff salaries is a major challenge.

GC is only able to commit to financing teaching staff salaries and school meals.

As we contemplate the challenges, we are encouraged by a comment from Abraham, the Coordinator, attending the funeral of Edward, the first Head teacher of Crossroads:-

Though it’s a time of grief here, it’s also been a time of great encouragement to see the products of Crossroads across the years! They’re scattered all over the country and working in various fields. Our toils are not in vain and this provides motivation to work some more.

Billy, our special needs Coordinator, continues to work with families in the community. He reports

Due to the election activities, plus other challenges, distribution of ppe was halted as advised by the authorities in the different areas.

He continues to follow up on people who have received help and has identified 16 more children needing surgery.

After a visit to check on Rose, one of the first children to be identified by Angela as needing help and whose sister was one of the first to be sponsored by GC to attend Ngora school for the deaf, Billy says: –

Her parents asked me to send their warm regards. They were so concerned about your safety in this Covid pandemic as they could hear on the news how the virus has ravaged parts of UK.

They pledged to remember you all in their prayers!

This is the true PARTNERSHIP that GC enjoys with our friends and co-workers in Soroti and for which, we are grateful to God.


JUNE 2020
During May we continued to stay in close contact with our coordinators in Soroti. Thanks to generous donations, we were able to fund food assistance for the local community, organised through local churches in the town – in partnership with local officials. Crossroads remains closed but Global Challenge continues to support the staff salaries and Pastor Abraham is in contact with as many as possible.

Please see the ‘Projects/Special Needs’ section of our website for the latest updates from the special needs project – where we continue to provide support for those in need.

APRIL 2020
During April the coronavirus outbreak continued to affect the projects that Global Challenge are involved with. Crossroads School remains closed, but our coordinator Pastor Abraham is maintaining contact with the staff. Many of the pupils have returned to their villages and it is difficult to maintain contact with all pupils due to the infrastructure in the area.

Billy (one of our coordinators) and his wife are expecting their second child – we are really excited for them at this time! However, it is also a challenge with the lockdown for the most vulnerable to be supported. The local government are trying to prove some support for the most needy. Local churches are involved in this and we are looking to provide support through the three churches we are connected to, in the form of food supplies for the needy.

We have had to postpone some of our biggest fundraising events, particulalry the Invicta Winds concert. This does have an impact on our projects and we are grateful for your continued support of the charity. We have also had to reduce the amount we can fund Crossroads School – this is in light of a shortfall in regular donations compared to what is needed. We continue to fund the majority of what is needed for staff salaries and lunches and are working through our coordinator to continue to support Crossroads School with as much as possible.
 If you are able to provide support for the fundraising for the local needs in Soroti, please email globalchallengecharity@qrbc.net or visit our donate page.

MARCH 2020

During this month we have seen the world responding to the coronavirus outbreak. Uganda, like many nations around the world, has introduced social distancing measures – including the closure of schools and churches. We continue to fund all the teacher’s salaries during this time and pray for the swift resolution of this global emergency. Please remember the staff, pupils and our partners in Soroti during this difficult time.

Prior to the closure of the schools, we had received news of successful results in the national examinations that are undertaken by pupils in S4 (their final year). A few pupils achieved the highest two grades and nearly all other pupils passed the exams, enabling them to pursue employment or further education. This would not be possible without the hard work of the teaching and administrative staff at the school. We are thankful for their dedication and commitment. As the new Board of Governors establishes itself, we hope the school will continue to grow from strength to strength.

The land for the proposed new school, which we would like to establish in addition to our support for Crossroads, is still being purchased. The process is complicated and lengthy and with the current crisis, may take longer than hoped. Please look out for further updates with regards this project.