'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

Uganda Visit – 2015

Redressing the Balance

Uganda Visit – 2015

Uganda Visit 2015

Two Trustees, Angela and Anne, together with Dr Stephen Cave from QRBC, took a team of 8 people to Uganda from April 6th-16th 2015 to review and progress our charity’s work.

7 of the team were visiting Uganda for the first time- exciting for them and an enriching experience.

The team focused on working alongside Ugandans, doing practical tasks at the school and helping to build a playground at Ocholoi village. See details in our Special Needs section.   Speech therapist Naomi’s  skills were especially valued.


leaflets have been published about both our Special Needs project and  Crossroads School. These are available from QRBC and from the Trustees.

There is also a Global Challenge notice board opposite the café in QRBC with up to date information.