Busy times at Crossroads!
Wednesday 5th July 2023 saw Crossroads Secondary School hosting a team of visitors who offered a counselling service to the students on mental and moral health.
The team was composed of five members: Pr. Irene Okurut, Dr. Anne Muzasi, Pr. Oriokot Robert, Maggie Alemu Mambela and Atari Joy Oriokot.
The session started at 10:00am and ended at 1:00pm.
We hope this will have a positive impact on the students. The photos show everyone involved at the end of the counselling session.
Also on this day, Crossroads students set off to an Agriculture Field Study at NaSAARI, Serere district. The group consisted of 42 students and four staff members.
The study is aimed at equipping students with practical skills that will enable them to apply to their National exams.
The photos show the students before they left the school. Good luck guys!