Global Challenge plans to develop playgrounds in the communities Billy visits, which will have equipment suitable for children with disabilities. Children will gain much needed strength in their limbs and have fun at the same time! They will be encouraged to play with able bodied children and thus help to change local attitudes towards disability. The playgrounds will also be a much needed meeting place for parents and Billy’s volunteers, and the parents will get the support and advice they need.
In Asuret, the charity ‘Compassion Uganda’, run by the Pentacostal church has already established a playground and Billy is exploring the possibility of the two charities working together. Global Challenge would want to make modifications or additions to the sites to make them more suitable for children with disabilities.
Sites have been identified, in the sub counties of Gueri and Katine. The land is free, made available through volunteers Peter Ogera and Posiano and the playgrounds will be run by the community for the community. They will need to have shade where assessment of children can be made, and where parents, guardians and volunteers can have training. Secure fencing will be required and also a building to store equipment. GC wants the villagers and volunteers to feel that the playgrounds are theirs so they look after them and look out for any potential vandalism.
Here Naomi, Nick and Steve try out some of the suitable playground equipment already in place at ‘Global Care’, a British run charity.
This playground equipment would help improve dexterity and is simple to make.
This large swing would be suitable for children less able to support themselves – behind you can see a sensory wall.
Playground musical instruments!
Fantastic fund raising took place at Holy Trinity and St John’s primary school in Margate where they raised £1,100 for the playground at Ocholoi. This has gone towards the cost of the fencing and play equipment and you can see the progress below. The Glogal Challenge Team (April 2015) met with the builders and volunteers to agree final details for the playground and the land was cleared.
The playground is now fenced and some equipment in place. Next steps are to seed the ground!
The ground will need to be soft and safe so soft grass will be sewn once the land is flattened.
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