'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

Author: Tracey Mason

Redressing the Balance

Summer Bunting

Crossroads School successfully run a tailoring department for their pupils. Unfortunately, time, dust and heat has taken it’s toll on the machines and they are badly in need of repair.

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That’s Pants…How it all began

During our Family Variety Show in May 2021, Ella tells us how the “That’s Pants” project began…

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Spotlight on Irene

Irene is our co ordinator’s wife. Pastor Abraham’s wife visits children and families that need support, offering parenting advice. She is just a mumma to everybody in her locality!

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Spotlight on Jane

Jane is a volunteer supporting the Special Needs Project in Uganda. She works with families who are struggling with their special needs children.

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Spotlight on Betty

Betty is the cook at Crossroads School and she makes sure the children have porridge for breakfast and a delicious hot meal, which is usually rice and beans, for lunch.

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Tailoring in 2021

When trustee Chris and Dr Rev Stephen visited Soroti in 2017/18, they were impressed by the work in the tailoring department of Crossroads School.

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Text Book Update

In the face of adversity our co ordinator in Uganda, Abraham, is battling to get more school books for Crossroads School.

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Special Needs Initiatives

As a result of our early work with Crossroads School, there was a growing awareness within the Global Challenge team that child disability and special education were areas of much need in Uganda.

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Deaf Awareness Week

Monday 3rd May marked the start of Deaf Awareness Week in the UK. We are proud to support students at Ngora School for the Deaf in Uganda, enabling them to receive good education and important life skills, such as tailoring and carpentry.

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Wonderful News!

Abraham has sent encouraging news about a member of our Global Challenge family, Loyce.

Loyce, who has been helped by individual supporters towards treatment for breast cancer during the past 12 to 18 months, is responding to treatment.

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