Exciting news for Crossroads School…
Here is an email from Robert, the Head Teacher at Crossroads School:
“The Head Teacher has sent New Year greetings and news from a staff briefing to prepare for the reopening on Monday January 10th (2022) as per the government directive. The school has not been fully open for almost two years!!
Key areas to consider:-
Standing Operating Proceedures previously set by Ministry of Health and Education to be strictly followed.
Other new conditions set:-
all staff must be vaccinated;
all students above 18 years to be vaccinated;
all school attending pregnant girls to be allowed at school;
all girls who have had babies also to be allowed;
all learners with specials needs, e.g. the disabled, HIV positive living, asthmatic etc to be taken care of. No discrimination of learners while admitting. All children matter.
This week
The COVID school task force to be re-formed and charged with the duty of COVID safety enforcement.
Thursday 6th.,,, Planning meeting to sit;
Friday 7th ……….Covid Task Force to meet;
Saturday 8th …..Staff induction workshop
Parents meeting to be scheduled”
We wish our partners the best of luck in these challenging times.
See Rev Samuel Hearle’s message of support from Queens Road Baptist Church on our Face Book page https://fb.watch/as8SHvxZBM/