'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

History teacher can smile again!

Redressing the Balance

History teacher can smile again!

Abraham Okurut, our local representative and project coordinator in Soroti, sent us some welcome news about Deborah, who teaches History to Senior classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 at Crossroads school. In a delightful video message, Deborah thanks her friends at Global Challenge for their contribution towards medical fees incurred during, in Deborah’s words, “survived being crushed by a motorcycle”! Amongst other injuries, Deborah fractured her arm. Money sent to Deborah helped her to buy medicine during a very difficult financial time. Her plaster caste is now off her arm and, although still needing to be careful, has been able to return to her teaching post. Deborah loves working at Crossroads School. She enjoys the team work which she feels is the foundation for success. She praises her students who cooperate well with her as she provides the material for their success, too. She is going to make her students work really hard so that they will excel better than last year!

We are so thankful that Deborah is on the mend!