'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

Cake Recipe!

Redressing the Balance

Cake Recipe!

It’s here! Pastor Abraham has kindly acquired and sent us the recipe the students used in their baking lessons at Crossroads Secondary School. Abraham writes:

“Students were divided into four groups. The recipe used is:

Each of the four groups used the following:

1 kg baking flour

5 eggs

Baking powder 2 Tea spoons

Lemons for local flavour

1/2 Kg of sugar

200 gms of butter

Water for mixing

The school has no oven, so a local charcoal stove was used.  My wife provided saucepans for use…In the next session, they will be taken through cake decoration etc.”

Brilliant work! We hope we get photos of the decorated cakes?!