'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

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Redressing the Balance

Ugandan Certificate of Education results

The Ugandan school year ends at Christmas; These are the Ugandan Certificate of Education results for the Year 4 school leavers:

Many pupils come from very difficult backgrounds and staff have to take a very ‘holistic’ approach to their education and welfare.Continue Reading

Uganda Visit – 2015

Uganda Visit 2015

Two Trustees, Angela and Anne, together with Dr Stephen Cave from QRBC, took a team of 8 people to Uganda from April 6th-16th 2015 to review and progress our charity’s work.… Continue Reading

Water Harvesting System

A Borehole was not an option -there are many pit latrines in urban areas and thus a genuine concern about pollution of the water table.… Continue Reading

School Meal Initiative

The Teachers told us that many malnourished children arrived at school with no lunch, and had no money to buy lunch either.… Continue Reading

Opening Celebration

It was both thrilling and humbling, during a visit by Global Challenge supporters in August 2007, to see over 350 students, the majority of whom were orphans, so appreciative of the opportunity they had been given.… Continue Reading

New School Block

By 2009, the school premises were expanded to include an additional classroom/reading room, a science laboratory, a small library and an area to store materials for science practicals.… Continue Reading

The Beginning of Crossroads School

A group from Queens Road Baptist Church visited the area in 2005 and found that large numbers of secondary school aged children were unable to attend school because they simply could not afford the fees.… Continue Reading

How The Project Was Born

As a result of our early work with Crossroads School, there was a growing awareness within the Global Challenge team that child disability and special education were areas of much need in Uganda.… Continue Reading


Global Challenge regularly funds surgery for a variety of children in need and this has sometimes necessitated treatment in Kampala. Children have benefited from medical intervention which has prevented limb amputation and in some cases restored their ability to walk.… Continue Reading

Special Needs – The Challenges

As well as providing practical help for children with special needs, Global Challenge seeks to ensure their rights are respected. This isn’t always easy and some of the difficulties encountered have been outlined below by Peter, who volunteers for us in Uganda;

  • negative attitudes of parents, carers or the community towards children
  • bullying at school
  • discrimination by teachers who have had no training on understanding and helping these children
  • poverty which most families experience, children’s access to basic needs are hindered
  • communication and transport difficulties between parents, children, Global Challenge workers and assembly/health centres
Our workers in Uganda, Billy & Peter have identified how Global Challenge can best support the Special Needs Project;
  • train more volunteers to help in the mobilisation and identification of children with special needs
  • educate teachers on how to care for children with special needs
  • sponsor children with severe impairments to attend special schools eg.
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