'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

No Mean Feet (feat!) for Dexter

Redressing the Balance

No Mean Feet (feat!) for Dexter

Dexter has finished his walking challenge for Global Challenge! He set out to achieve long walks around his hometown during the month of March. With each walk, Dexter aimed to walk 8 miles. At the end of the challenge, Dexter’s walked 33.8miles.

HOWEVER, Dexter decided to do one more walk and ended his challenge by walking 10.8 miles…bringing his grand total to 44.6 miles!!!

His biggest supporter, his Mum, commented “This is just amazing! All for charity. This boy has the biggest heart ever! HE DID IT!!!…Beyond proud!!!”

We are all beyond proud of Dexter! There is still time to donate…please go to our donate now page and mention you are donating towards Dexter. Alternatively, use this link: Dexter to donate directly to Dexter’s personal fundraising page .through Stewardship

Watch this space to see how much Dexter has raised.