'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

The Children, Accommodation and Links with UK

Redressing the Balance

The Children, Accommodation and Links with UK


Girls and Boys teams proudly show off their new sports kit. Some was purchased locally in Uganda with funds donated by Holy Trinity School in Broadstairs, and other kit given free by a sports club in Oxford.

Soccer has a passionate following in Uganda- the performance of the top English teams such as Arsenal and Man U are avidly followed!


These are very much encouraged by the school.

A school committee is elected each year, and the photo shows the new committee with Teacher James Esegu in 2014.

The Scripture Union group is very popular, and they represent the school choir who always sing to the Trustees whenever we visit.

School Committee

Further Education

About 20 children with good ability leave Crossroads each year after taking the equivalent of GCSE in the UK and do not go on to further education.

In 2014, GC agreed, with its limited funding,  to sponsor:

– Scovia on a 1 year course on Record Keeping at the Uganda College of Commerce in Soroti

– Daniel  on a 2 year Plumbing course

– Pius  on a 2 year Business Study course at the Uganda College of Commerce

This is Felix.  He was an orphan when he came to Crossroads School.

A bright, hard- working pupil, he passed his exams and was then sponsored to go to another school for ‘A’ levels.  We are thrilled to learn that Felix  started at the government funded  Mbarara University in August 2013, studying Mathematics and Physics for a teaching degree. Some of his books will be provided, but he will need funding for others. We wish him much happiness and success.

Bike Scheme

A scheme to provide free loan bikes for Crossroad School pupils living up to 10K from Soroti and involving a walk  to school of sometimes over 2 hours, has been generously funded by supporters who sacrificed their Christmas presents one year for the project.

Edward, centre, was given a new uniform and bike.

Children who can now get to school on time.

Our coordinator, Abraham, explains to parents how the scheme works.


Children who live too far away to travel to school every day, or whose guardians cannot afford the cost of lodgings will especially benefit from staying in a Hostel/Dormitory on the school site during the school term. Teachers have told Trustees that having pupils housed at or very near the school will mean less absenteeism, particularly from those in lodgings, and better supervision of homework during term time. There would be improvements in both personal safety of pupils and exam results.

Most parents or guardians in Uganda like their children in Hostels, and those children who have to stay in lodgings where they may not be well looked after are sometimes expected to work before or after school to earn their keep.

Global Challenge is raising funds for children’s accommodation. An amazing amount has already been raised over the last few years by St George’s C of E school in Broadstairs, and we are especially grateful to Kim Stoner, the Headteacher and her staff and students for their support.

In October 2012 and again in August 2013, the Trustees visited Global Care, a UK Christian charity with a centre in Soroti.  The Trustees saw the accommodation arrangements in their administration and skills centre building.  They were able to see the size of the planned rooms  and the quality of the building overall, and discuss the cost.  The Trustees also viewed Global Care’s agricultural plot nearby which is at least 2.5 acres- large enough to build a new school!

The Trustees have visited a Hostel at Halcyon school which was a single dormitory for 100 boys sleeping on triple decker beds. Government regulations now stipulate double decker beds and a minimum distance between them.

Agricultural land at Global Care

The location/building of accommodation is still under review, and fundraising continues.

The school’s preference is to have a Dormitory  on the school site, and build it above a new classroom. Many children come from troubled families and to have the children supervised closely during the term would help their education and development.

School Assembly 

At assemblies each year, the Head boy and Head girl both speak to the Trustees and the School about the school’s success and how much they appreciated and valued the opportunity to better themselves through education, and the help given them by Global Challenge.. The Trustees mentioned education as being the ‘elixir’ of life’ in 2011,  interpreted by the Head girl as the ‘electricity’ of life!!  The school assembly is on UTube as ‘Crossroads School assembly’ for the benefit of all the schools that support Global Challenge in the UK.

The Head girl, Anita, wants to be a Lawyer, and was encouraged to aim high.

GC Trustee, Janet, brings greetings to Crossroads from St George’s School at Crossroads school assembly.
Revd. Samuel Hearle spoke at Crossroads School assembly in 2013, illustrating his message by having one of the students dress as the Trustees do, when we visit!  This caused much hilarity.  The assembly was a great joy to all the visitors, the atmosphere of a very caring  and happy school shone through.

Links with UK Schools

Link with St George’s C of E School in Broadstairs

Staff and students from St George’s School have raised thousands of pounds over the last few years towards the water harvesting system at Crossroads, and the Hostel project, which is ongoing..

In 2011, Crossroads choir sang some pieces that the Trustees were able to video and record for St George’s. Each Crossroads class also presented the Trustees with a card to take back to present to the school. It is hoped that stronger links will build in the future, especially as St George’s is raising money for pupil accommodation.  Both the choir, and  presentations of cards, have been uploaded to UTube and can be accessed as:

Crossroads School choir (3 pieces)

Crossroads Greetings (to St George’s School)

In 2012, the Trustees presented 2 very large scrolls from St Georges School, covered with ‘post it notes’ each with a personal message from students at St George’s.  In return, Crossroads gave the Trustees various pieces of art work and messages for St Georges School.

We could all learn from this notice outside the classrooms!
Link with Holy Trinity Primary School, Broadstairs

Staff and pupils raised funds for 3 Treddle Sewing Machines in 2011, and funds towards new text books in 2012.

In 2014, enough money was raised to fund the purchase in Uganda of sports wear for 2 teams.

And some footballs.

Other Schools

Upton school in Broadstairs raised £450 in January 2012 towards the Hostel project, and 2013 raised £165 towards new school toilets/washroom.

The Downs School C of E school and Northbourne C of E school raised together nearly £400 towards desks for Crossroads in 2012

Chatham House school raised £4000 towards the laboratory, library and Reading room block which opened in 2009.

Foreland school regularly raises funds towards the Special Needs project

Bromstone school raised money to buy a cow for the Global Challenge cow project in 2010