'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

Author: Global Challenge

Redressing the Balance

New Head for Crossroads

Outgoing Head Edward Esegu retired at the end of the 2015 School Year on health grounds. GC thanks him for his dedication to the school over many years.… Continue Reading

St George’s funds School Lunches


St George’s Church of England Foundation School raised an amazing £450 for for Crossroads at their Harvest Celebration in September.


Poshoe and Beans are on the menu at Crossroads every lunchtime.… Continue Reading

QRBC Film Night- Finished

On Friday 15th January a ‘Supper and Film Night’ was held at  Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Broadstairs (map),

The film screened was  “Saving Mr.Continue Reading

Malaria Complications & Cerebral Palsy

Salome, now aged 8, had a normal birth but suffered complications from malaria when she was two years old. She was subsequently rejected by her parents and is now looked after very well by her grandmother, Tata.… Continue Reading

Teachers and Staff

Regular monthly sponsorship enables us to pay for the teachers and support staff at the school. More sponsorship is needed to enable us to pay the Teachers a fair wage, and contribute to their Pension scheme.Continue Reading

Global Challenge Pamper Night – Finished

Global Challenge will be holding a pamper night for any ladies who wish to attend. Due to limited space, there will only be 30 tickets available which will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.… Continue Reading

Crossroads’ Sports Day

Pastor Abraham reports:

Hello friends, greetings in Jesus’ Name. It was a great day today for Crossroads as the students engaged in an-inter house athletics competition.… Continue Reading

Fundraising – Rhodri’s Marathon – 2015

Rhodri Walters,  one of the QRBC ministers, ran the Edinburgh Marathon on May 31st and raised an amazing

£2236.25   for Global Challenge.… Continue Reading


Global Challenge plans to develop playgrounds in the communities Billy visits, which will have equipment suitable for children with disabilities. Children will gain much needed strength in their limbs and have fun at the same time!… Continue Reading

Piglets Project Review

To prevent the spread of disease, all pigs in the area were put into quarantine by the government from Dec 14 to February 15 meaning no ‘pig movements’ were allowed.… Continue Reading