'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.


Redressing the Balance

Crossroads School Examinations

Senior 4 students at Crossroads School in Soroti, Uganda have started their exams. The first exam is Mathematics, and we wish them every success! Here is some information about the exams: “The national examinations for this years’ candidates will commence on October 14, according to the timetable released by the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB). …

Commendable Work!

Abraham, our project coordinator in Soroti, sent us these great photos of students at Crossroads school. He told us that the students are attaining new skills by transforming recycled waste materials into new products. In Uganda millions of plastic bottles and polythene paper are dumped into waterways and landfill each year causing pollution, erosion, irrigation …

Amazing Response!

We have had an amazing response to our plea to help up to 74 pupils at Crossroads School. Many children have been unable to pay their school fees because of the dire economic climate. The children usually pay for their school place according to their means, but their means are almost ZERO at the moment! …

Students Aiming High

The current S4 (Standard 4) year group at Crossroads School are about to do their National Exams. We hope they reach their potential and do really well! Crossroads school educates up to S4 and then students can go on to further education at other learning institutions. Each year, Global Challenge aim to support one or …

We are deeply saddened about the passing of Her Majesty The Queen.

Our thoughts and condolences are with the Royal Family. Please join us in prayer:“Loving God We give you thanks and praise for the life of your departed servant, Queen Elizabeth, and remember with gratitude her contribution to the world. We lift up the Royal Family and all those who were closest to her in this …

Extraordinary measures required!

As a charity we have a commitment at Crossroads Secondary School to pay for the staff salaries and sundries (such as text books for the new National Curriculum in Uganda and Bibles for pupils new to the school), as well as the cooks’ salaries, so that the pupils have a substantial meal each lunchtime. However, …

Commitment continues for Ngora School for the Deaf

The increasing cost of living expenses has meant that the school fees at Ngora School for the Deaf have gone up slightly. We support six students who go to this school and are happy to announce that Global Challenge is still able to keep our commitment to support them through their primary into secondary education. …

Sponsorship for Miriam

Global Challenge has received a wonderful sponsorship to be able to support a little girl called Miriam. Miriam is blind and was at a mainstream school but was struggling. The sponsorship has enabled us to fund Miriam to attend St Francis School for the Blind. Staff there have just said how well Miriam has settled. …

Introducing Anna Grace

We’d like to introduce you to Anna Grace who was brought to our attention by our representatives in Soroti, Uganda. Anna Grace unfortunately caught polio because her parents could not afford the polio vaccination. Through fundraising, Global challenge is not only able to support Anna Grace to go to school but also to support her …

Gift Aid used to support teachers.

The teaching year in Uganda starts in February. Using Gift Aid collected from our supporters, Global Challenge was able to send all the teachers at Crossroads School, irrespective of their pay grade, a little bonus in their wages recently. A little support to help with cost-of-living expenses that is affecting us all.