'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

Category: Crossroads School

Redressing the Balance

Crossroad Exams

The Senior Four pupils have been working hard on their exams lately and have now completed their final exams, the Ugandan Certificate of Educations which are still referred to as ‘O’ levels, this would be the equivalent of our GCSEs.… Continue Reading

Tailoring @ Crossroads

Crossroads school has employed a new Tailoring teacher, Judith Imede.

Judith is an experienced dress designer and the children will greatly benefit!… Continue Reading

Wellie Walk!


On Friday the 7th of October, Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School Ramsgate, took part in their own sponsored Wellie Walk to raise funds for Global Challenge.… Continue Reading

A Vision for Crossroads

Over the past few years we have been developing a vision for a new school, which would enable us to continue to fulfil our objective to provide an education for the poorest pupils in the Soroti area.

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Trustee Visit

John Rew, Chairman, Charity Trustees and Revd Dr Stephen Cave arrived in Soroti on Wed June 22nd for an 9 day visit.… Continue Reading

Hairdressing Uganda style

Former Crossroads pupil Anet has completed her Hairdressing course, sponsored by GC

Anet proudly20160310_102043_resized-220160311_162355 shows off her skills in the Salon!… Continue Reading

School Board meets at Crossroads


IMG-20160416-WA0005The school board met on Saturday April 16th,  Chairman, Pastor Richard Otim, welcomes new Head teacher Robert Oluka

Members posed foIMG-20160416-WA0003r a photo shoot outside the girl’s newly completed VIP latrines.… Continue Reading

Holy Trinity funds School lunches

The 400 teenage children at Crossroads have good appetites!  On the menu every day is Poshoe and Beans, and its the same in every school in Uganda.  … Continue Reading

St George’s calls time on ‘Smelly loos’

St George’s calls time on Crossroads smelly loosIMG_0632

The girls at Crossroads have made do with temporary pit latrines for 8 years.… Continue Reading

New Head for Crossroads

Outgoing Head Edward Esegu retired at the end of the 2015 School Year on health grounds. GC thanks him for his dedication to the school over many years.… Continue Reading