'Redressing the balance' in Soroti and the surrounding areas.

Author: Global Challenge

Redressing the Balance

Piglets to Help the Poor

During the Trustees visit in August 2013, a meeting with Pastor Girifansio concluded that a feasibility study be undertaken on pigs, goats and hens to determine which was the best option to give to very poor families with children who had special needs, which would generate income quickly (within a year).… Continue Reading

Information Technology

Information Technology is  viewed by the Dept. of Sport and Education in Uganda as high priority. We supplied the school in 2012 with:

  • a new internet TV
  •  a  video recorder and tapes
  • 2 x DVD players
  • an overhead projector and acetates

These items, apart from the TV, have all been donated and brought out by the Trustees.… Continue Reading

Training and Development

For our project to succeed it’s important that parents, guardians and volunteers receive guidance on how to look after children with special needs.… Continue Reading

Refurbishment – 2015

Access ramps

Access ramps have now been installed at the school for children with disabilities, making the school more accessible to all who visit or attend.… Continue Reading

The Project in Action

Funding for our Special Needs Project Co-ordinator (SNPC) Billy Outeke, a medical officer at the local hospital, is provided by Global Challenge supporters.… Continue Reading


Rose was four and a half and epileptic when Trustees first met her in 2011.

The effects of the drugs she needs to take made her very weak.… Continue Reading

Tailoring Project

Tailoring at Crossroads School

Teaching tailoring encourages students to make clothes for themselves and their family, and also provides them with a skill that they can use to find work.… Continue Reading

Meeting Some of the Families

In October 2011, Emmanuel Ayru took Trustees John and Janet Rew out to some villages to visit two of the recipient families and their cows.… Continue Reading

Developing the Livestock Project

Developing the ‘Livestock Project’ has always been high on our agenda at GC as we believe that giving people a way of being self-sufficient is the best way to help them out of poverty.… Continue Reading

The Beginning of the Livestock Project

The ‘Livestock Project’ is a project close to our hearts at GC and QRBC and  has been through many trials and tribulations since it the idea was first conceived.… Continue Reading